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Cara’s gift is an asset when getting to know tribemates Georgia (left) and Hayley.

As an empath, Sydney real estate agent Cara Atchison says she can read people’s feelings and even feel their pain. It’s a skill she’s put to good use in Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn.

The 47-year-old has known she was an empath since she was 20 and says that when she’s holding someone’s hands or massaging their shoulders, she can feel pain where they’re feeling it.

“I feel a watered-down version of it in my own body,” she tells Woman’s Day. “If I’m holding your hand and your eyes are sore, I’ll start squinting. I’m really good with babies because I’m like, ‘Oh, you’ve got a sore tummy.’” On Survivor, Cara has picked up on her tribemates’ sore ears, pulled groin muscles and a strained hamstring.

She adds, “I was also picking up father issues from one person and, as a consequence, this particular person had an issue with men. People like feeling understood and known. I definitely used it to my advantage to build bonds, but also to help people grow.”

Cara’s ability also meant she knew who to trust on her tribe, including “misunderstood” George Mladenov. “He loves helping people and wants to be thanked for it. He wants to be appreciated.”

But will her superpowers take Cara all the way to this Thursday’s Survivor finale? Watch and find out!

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