Publication - New Idea Australia
Cara Atchison is one half of the best duo to have come out of this season of Australian Survivor, and she reveals that her and George Mladenov had each other's backs in more ways than one.

In an exclusive chat with New Idea, Cara shines a light on some unaired moments from the show, including a very close-call involving fire, a duffle bag, and the 'King of Bankstown' himself.
"It was so cold one night and it was in Brains 2.0," Cara sets the scene.
"It was Gerald, George and myself sleeping and I was in the middle, and my head was so close to the fire - I was literally a foot away," Cara recalls.
"And some of the embers - when I was asleep - some of the embers went on my duffle bag and George was up and awake and he goes 'Cara! Cara! Cara! Wake up! Your hair's on fire! Your hair's on fire!' and I'm like 'what!?'."